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  Network Information Centre Malta


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2nd May 2009

Reduction in fees & introduction of 2-year renewals

NIC(Malta) is pleased to announce reduced registration & renewal fees for .mt domains and the introduction of 2-year renewals.

Registration fees for new domains

The first year registration fee for new domains has been revised as follows:














Renewal fees for existing domains

The renewal yearly fee for existing domains has been revised as follows:


Renewal Fee












Two-year renewals of existing domains:

It is now possible to renew domains for a period of 2 years. A 10% discount on the yearly renewal fee applies for such 2-year renewals.

Effective date & further info

These changes are effective for new domains registered as from 3rd May 2009 and for existing domains that become due for renewal as from same date. Note that existing domains become due for renewal two months before their expiry. Therefore, for existing domains, these changes are effective for domains expiring from 2nd July 2009 onwards i.e. for domains whose renewal 'Due by date' is 1st July 2009 or later.

All above rates are quoted including 18% VAT.

Refer to section with the revised fees for more information, including details on when VAT is invoiced by NIC(Malta).

02 May 2009