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1st June 2016, 00:01

Proposal for Second Level Domain Name Registration under .mt

NIC(Malta) is proposing changes in the way Internet domain names are registered under .mt, the top-level country domain for Malta. With this proposal, it would become possible to register domain names at the second level, directly to the left of the .mt. For example, it would become possible to register Registrations at the third level, as at present, such as, would remain possible.

The following are the main reasons for the proposed new policy:

  • More choice – Through the proposed policy NIC(Malta) would be offering more choice to existing and future registrants of .mt domains.

  • Simpler, shorter names – Domain names under .mt would no longer require an additional three letter second level domain name, resulting in shorter and snappier names. The focus of the domain name can be on the registrant’s preferred branding.

  • Avoids inappropriate labelling – Some domain names do not quite fit within the existing hierarchical structure which categorises a domain name as being either commercial (, non-profit organisation (, internet service provider (, educational ( or governmental ( Thus, for example, individuals may register their personal domain names without any hindrance.

  • Follows similar changes in the wider Internet – Other countries have adopted similar changes to their policies, such as for example in the United Kingdom (.uk) and New Zealand (.nz). In addition, IANA has recently introduced a large number of generic top- level domain names which are bound to increase in the future. Therefore, this new policy is also being proposed so that .mt remains relevant in the evolving Internet.

A Public Consultation Document has been published and can be found at

The proposed new draft Domain Name Registration Policy together with the corresponding amended Terms and Conditions for registering new domain names are included within the consultation document. To facilitate the transition to the new system of registration, a Preferential Registration Period is being proposed. During this period special rights would be given to existing and new registrants of .mt domain names. Further details are available in the Public Consultation Document.

Feedback on these proposed changes is being solicited from interested parties via e-mail to or by postal mail to NIC(Malta), University Campus, Msida MSD 2080, Malta, by 30 June 2016. A public consultation meeting will also be held on Monday 13 June 2016 at 6pm in Hall E, M.A. Vassalli Centre – Gateway Building, University.

The Network Information Centre (Malta), also known as NIC(Malta), is a non-profit Foundation which is responsible for the .mt top-level country domain for Malta. NIC(Malta) is the registry for .mt domain names.


1st June 2016, 00:01