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  Network Information Centre Malta

  register handle 

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1. Enter details

2. Verify details

3. Submit registration

Register Handle

If you already have a Handle and are applying for a Handle for someone else, then first login with your own Handle so that you will be copied with subsequent correspondence relating to this Handle application.

All required fields marked in bold and with an asterisk* must be filled in. Should any required fields be left blank, NIC(Malta) will be unable to process your handle application.



Contact Person*:

Legal Entity Name*:

e.g. XYZ Co. Ltd

VAT number*:







Postal code*:



Telephone number*:

+. x e.g. +356.12345678 x1234

Fax number:

+. e.g. +356.12345678

Mobile number:




I agree that whois may show all above details (excluding login), which might include personal data, when handle is associated with one of the following roles:




  • The Administrative Agent details always show during a whois operation and these cannot be hidden. If an owner of a Handle does not wish any personal details associated with the Handle to appear during a whois operation then he/she should ensure that the Handle is not used in role of Administrative Agent and can appoint someone else for this role to appear on his/her behalf.

  • The Holder and Administrative Agent of a domain can always view the details of the other Agents of the same domain.

Data Protection

Insofar as any information you provide in this form constitutes personal data, NIC(Malta) will only process such data in the manner and for the purposes specified in the Privacy Policy. By completing this application form you consent to such processing of your personal data.



E-mail address for the handle being registered.

The email address will automatically be displayed in the whois when this handle is associated as Admin Agent, therefore we would recommend that you enter a non-personal email address, such as

Each handle has to have a unique e-mail address.


Login to be used together with Handle and password during authentication.

May be alphanumeric with a minimum of 4 characters.

Note: Login is case sensitive.

Legal Entity Name

Organisation name (or personal name if legal entity is natural person). Do not enter a trading name but the name of the organisation/person that will be legally responsible.

VAT number

Legal Entity's Value Added Tax number, which will be quoted on all invoices and receipts issued by NIC(Malta).

Contact Person

Name of Contact Person for Legal Entity below.

The contact person will automatically be displayed in the whois when this handle is associated as Admin Agent, therefore we would recommend that you enter a position or job title, such as Director, IT Administrator, etc.


Postal address of the Legal Entity.


Postal address of the Legal Entity.


Postal address of the Legal Entity.


Postal address of the Legal Entity.


Postal address of the Legal Entity.

Only if applicable.

Telephone number

Format is:
  +<country code>.<number> x<extension>

Should correspond to exact sequence required for international dialling.
Extension is optional.

Fax number

Format is:
  +<country code>.<number>

Should correspond to exact sequence required for international dialling.

Mobile number

Format is:
  +<country code>.<number>

Should correspond to exact sequence required for international dialling.

Show Details

Show details during a "whois" when acting as Holder Technical Agent.

The Administrative Agent details always show during a whois operation and these cannot be hidden.


Password to be used during authentication.

Note that:

  • The password must be at least 6 characters long, may not be longer than 20 characters and must use at least one number or special character.

  • It is advisable to include characters in uppercase and lowercase, and also numbers. This will make it difficult for others to guess your password.

  • The password can also contain the following characters:
