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E-mail address for the handle being registered. The email address will automatically be displayed in the whois when this handle is associated as Admin Agent, therefore we would recommend that you enter a non-personal email address, such as admin@myname.com.mt. Each handle has to have a unique e-mail address. LoginLogin to be used together with Handle and password during authentication. May be alphanumeric with a minimum of 4 characters. Note: Login is case sensitive. Legal Entity NameOrganisation name (or personal name if legal entity is natural person). Do not enter a trading name but the name of the organisation/person that will be legally responsible. VAT numberLegal Entity's Value Added Tax number, which will be quoted on all invoices and receipts issued by NIC(Malta). Contact PersonName of Contact Person for Legal Entity below. The contact person will automatically be displayed in the whois when this handle is associated as Admin Agent, therefore we would recommend that you enter a position or job title, such as Director, IT Administrator, etc. AddressPostal address of the Legal Entity. AddressPostal address of the Legal Entity. AddressPostal address of the Legal Entity. CityPostal address of the Legal Entity. State/ProvincePostal address of the Legal Entity. Only if applicable. Telephone numberFormat is: Should correspond to exact sequence required for international dialling. Fax numberFormat is: Should correspond to exact sequence required for international dialling. Mobile numberFormat is: Should correspond to exact sequence required for international dialling. Show DetailsShow details during a "whois" when acting as Holder Technical Agent. The Administrative Agent details always show during a whois operation and these cannot be hidden. PasswordPassword to be used during authentication. Note that: