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  Network Information Centre Malta

  fees & payment procedures 

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Registration and renewal of domains:

The fees for registration and renewal of domains varies according to Second-Level Domain (SLD):


 Including 18% VAT


 Excluding 18% VAT


 initial fee + annual fee


 initial fee + annual fee 

 €11.65 (Lm5*) + €34.94 (Lm15*)


 €9.87 (Lm4.24*) + €29.61 (Lm12.71*) 

 €11.65 (Lm5*) + €23.29 (Lm10*)


 €9.87 (Lm4.24*) + €19.74 (Lm8.48*) 

 €11.65 (Lm5*) + €23.29 (Lm10*)


 €9.87 (Lm4.24*) + €19.74 (Lm8.48*) 

 €11.65 (Lm5*) + €23.29 (Lm10*)


 €9.87 (Lm4.24*) + €19.74 (Lm8.48*)

* Values displayed in Lm are based on the rate €1=Lm0.429300 and are for information purposes only.


  • The first year fee for a new domain is composed of the initial fee + the annual fee. The first year fee should be settled within one month from date of registration.

  • The renewal fee for successive years following registration is the annual fee. Renewal fees become due two months before expiry and should be settled before domain expires.

  • Fees are for maximum period of one year and are non-refundable.

  • Failure to effect payment of fees for a domain name may result in suspension or cancellation of the domain.

Reinstatement of domain:


 Including 18% VAT

 Excluding 18% VAT

 all domains 

 €13.74 (Lm5.90*) 

 €11.64 (Lm5.00*) 

* Values displayed in Lm are based on the rate €1=Lm0.429300 and are for information purposes only.


If a domain is suspended but not yet cancelled then it may be re-activated following payment of outstanding registration fees + the reinstatement fee.

Other notes:

  • Above rates are applicable to bills issued from 1st June 2006 onwards.

  • Value Added Tax (VAT) is added to invoices issued to Billing Agents established in Malta. The same applies to Billing Agents established in other EU Member States who do not provide NIC(Malta) with their VAT Number. VAT is not otherwise added to invoices issued by NIC(Malta).

  • Refer also to section on payments.

  • All fees are subject to periodic review.

This version: 1.0
Dated: 1 June 2006