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In order to register and manage .mt domains, you are required to have a Handle. Your Handle will then enable you to login to the NIC(Malta) website to register new domains and to manage existing domains according to your role as Holder or Admin/Billing/Technical Agent for the respective domains.

When registering for a Handle you will be requested to provide your contact details including an e-mail address. NIC(Malta) sends out all notifications by e-mail to the Holders and Admin/Billing/Technical Agents of the domains. These notifications are sent to the e-mail address associated with the respective Handle. So, if a particular Handle is Billing Agent for a particular domain, then all billing notifications for domain fees are sent to the e-mail address that is associated with that Handle.

It is therefore very important to maintain correct contact details for a Handle (this can be done online following Handle creation) and to make sure that the specified contact e-mail address is functional and that e-mails sent to this address are regularly monitored.

Although multiple Handles can be created for the different roles, the same contact e-mail address cannot be used for two different Handles.

A legal entity (organisation or individual) could choose to have a single Handle and use this for all domain management roles. In this case, notifications can still be received by multiple people (if this is required) by using a role e-mail address (e.g. for the Handle.

Alternatively, multiple Handles could be created for the different roles, in which case a different (role) e-mail address should be used for each Handle (e.g., etc.).

Handles, whois and personal data

The owner of a Handle can decide whether the contact details associated with the Handle are shown as part of whois domain searches. However, this does not apply to Handles which are used in an Administrative Agent role for a domain. Administrative Agent contact details, including any personal details, are always shown in the whois.

If an owner of a Handle does not wish any personal details associated with the Handle to appear during a whois operation then he/she should ensure that the Handle is not used in role of Administrative Agent and can appoint someone else for this role to appear on his/her behalf.

We recommend the use of non-personal email addresses such as, and quoting position or job title, such as Director, IT Administrator, etc. as the Handle's Contact Person.

Refer also to Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

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