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1st June 2006

Revised fees & launch of new system for online management of domains

What has changed?

On 1st June 2006 NIC(Malta) updated the domain registration system and announced revised fees. This section gives a summary of some of the changes made and provides information on how to migrate domains registered prior to June 2006 to the new system.







 initial fee + annual fee


 initial fee + annual fee 

 €46.59 (Lm20*) + €46.59 (Lm20*)


 €11.65 (Lm5*) + €34.94 (Lm15*) 

 €46.59 (Lm20*) + €34.94 (Lm15*)


 €11.65 (Lm5*) + €23.29 (Lm10*) 

 €46.59 (Lm20*) + €34.94 (Lm15*)


 €11.65 (Lm5*) + €23.29 (Lm10*) 

 €46.59 (Lm20*) + €34.94 (Lm15*)


 €11.65 (Lm5*) + €23.29 (Lm10*)

* Values displayed in Lm are based on the rate €1=Lm0.429300 and are for information purposes only.

  • New rates are applicable to bills issued from 1st June 2006 onwards.

  • All above fees include 18% VAT.

Refer to section with the revised fees for more information, including details on when VAT is invoiced by NIC(Malta).

Domain Registration System

Most procedures for registering and managing domains can now be done online through the website or, where a document needs to be submitted to NIC(Malta), this can be done by e-mail. Users are first required to obtain a Handle to be able to login and access their profile.

The following procedures can now be carried out online:

  • submission of application details (previous application forms are no longer being accepted);

  • payments: online card payments are accepted; cheque payments still accepted provided that these are also registered online; payment dues for new registrations and renewals are notified by e-mail;

  • viewing status of domains for which you are either Holder or Agent;

  • updates of contact details, nameservers, agents etc.

More flexible domain management roles

Previously a Holder could appoint an Applicant to administer, pay and to act as technical contact for the domain:





 Appoint/Change Applicant 




 Effect Payments 




 Set Technical Details 




Holder may now appoint different Agent roles for Administrative, Billing and Technical management of domain:



 Administrative Agent 

 Billing Agent 

 Technical Agent 

 Appoint/Change Administrative Agent 





 Appoint/Change Billing Agent 





 Appoint/Change Technical Agent 





 Effect Payments 





 Set Technical Details 






A whois look-up facility with provision for data protection of personal details is now available. See also section on Handles, whois and personal details.


Migrating domains registered prior to June 2006

To manage domains registered prior to June 2006 with the new system, first refer to section on creating appropiate Handles that you will use to manage these domains. As part of the Handle registration process NIC(Malta) will then assist you to associate the relevant domains to the new Handle. If following this process there are other domains that you wish to migrate then kindly contact us to request this.